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This project is funded by the Italian Ministry of Research as part of the PRIN initiative.

PRIN - One Health PREPAREDness: an integrated framework to manage the risk of zoonotic disease emergence
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The goal of the PREPARED project is to operationalise One Health pandemic preparedness by integrating the ecological prediction of disease emergence with the modelling of disease transmission risk. We will apply an ecological lense to the study of disease emergence and transmission to bring together several state-of-the-art analytical approaches into an integrated framework.


The objectives of the project are: 1) mapping global priorities for zoonotic disease emergence monitoring, 2) modelling the risk of disease transmission in Europe; 3) simulating prioritisation scenarios of disease emergence and transmission risk abatement.


We believe that our expected project’s outputs will have great potential for national and international policy uptake, including platforms such as the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

What's going on:

- Oct. 19th: the kickoff meeting of the project will be held in Sapienza University of Rome

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